Sunday, January 9, 2011

The Most Innovative Viral Video Ads of 2010

The majority of people who are experts on social media platforms already follow an esteemed social media resource called Mashable. If you are a marketer, and not yet a follower, I would suggest you become one. The company is a top notch source for social and digital media, in addition to web technology.

It is tough for me to admit that I have only seen four of the top ten viral video ads reviewed by Mashable, especially since I keep up with social media and viral marketing. The viral video ads range from sports, technology, retail, automotive, to a PSA to name a few. Some are humorous to emotional to visual. I believe each viral ad is touching in their own way.

If you can, view the video before you read about the product or service message. See what catches your eye or stands out before you read what the advertising was for, who was the agency of record, and why the message worked.

The number one viral video is called “NSFW. A Hunter Shoots A Bear!” It was so engaging and creative that it kept my attention for a long time (in the viral video world). The British PSA is about embracing life.

“NSFW. A Hunter Shoots A Bear!”

Advertiser: Tipp-Ex
Ad Agency: Buzzman
Why It Works: What if you were a hunter and had to choose between shooting a bear or dancing with it? With a seemingly infinite number of responses to anything clever or dirty you might think of, this video from Tipp-Ex, a white-out tape, takes choose-your-own-adventure style videos to a whole new level. A distinctly old-school product does something brand new on the YouTube platform.

"Embrace Life"

Advertiser: Sussex Safer Roads Partnership
Ad Agency: Alexander Commercials
Why It Works: One of the most innovative videos of the year is a British PSA that encourages people to wear a seat belt. You expect it to be boring, right? But it takes your breath away with simplicity and emotion. It is a welcome respite from traditional scare-tactic PSA’s.

If you would like to see all the viral videos (and I suggest you do), please go to the Mashable web video site.

The 10 Most Innovative Viral Video Ads of 2010 is written by Josh Warner, the president and founder of Feed Company. Article is published Mashable.